Flag Lapel Pin Etiquette: How to Wear It the Right Way
The American flag is a powerful symbol of democracy and freedom to millions of people around the world. Government buildings, schools and many private offices fly flags outside. Citizens display the flag proudly on their front porches, vehicles and during parades. Of course, some use flag lapel pins to show off their patriotism. For those who prefer to wear lapel pins, knowing the etiquette is essential. After all, the flag is a beloved, sacred symbol for many Americans.
The Cristaux team believes in the power of lapel pins to unify people and causes. We’re eager to help design meaningful pieces with our clients and to then share proper etiquette and practices.
Contact our team to start designing your custom lapel pin today.
The United States Flag Code is the ultimate source when it comes to pin-wearing etiquette. According to the code, the flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart. Though some organizations may ask their associates to wear pins in a different location, this isn’t kosher under the Flag Code. As with any important cause, the logic is that you should wear your patriotism near to your heart.
However, for men who are wearing ties but not blazers, the preferred placement for the pin is on the center of the tie. It should be used on its own and not in conjunction with another tie tack. Individuals who are wearing neither jackets nor ties should place flag pins on the left side of their shirts and just above their hearts.
Wearing a flag lapel pin that’s too large is considered a bit garish. When shopping for a flag pin, opt for smaller instead of larger designs. There’s no official rule about the right size for a lapel pin, but it’s a good idea to choose one under a half inch in diameter. Pins that are overly large are especially inappropriate for business situations.
When wearing a flag lapel pin, it’s essential to make sure that it is firmly attached to your jacket. Make sure that the pin can’t spin around as it is unacceptable under the Flag Code to display the flag upside down. In addition to being a no-no under the law, wearing an upside-down flag could also lead others to believe that you actually oppose the U.S.
Placement on Uniforms
The Flag Code clearly states that military personnel, policemen, firemen and members of other patriotic organizations can wear lapel pins as part of a formal uniform. As with other situations, the pin should be worn on the left lapel of the uniform. In military settings, prevailing dress standards must also be followed when wearing a flag lapel pin.
Placement on Costumes
As an important symbol of the country, the use of flag pins on costumes or sports uniforms is generally prohibited. However, these regulations tend to take the least precedence when it comes to etiquette. We’ve all seen lapel pins used as part of costuming in a Hollywood movie or have spotted athletes sporting them during post-game press conferences. In these cases, it’s more about the intent of the pin’s wearer than following hard-and-fast rules.
Of course, it goes without saying that it’s also important to wear a well-made flag lapel pin. At Cristaux International, we know that the flag is an enduring symbol of a powerful country. We’re proud to make gorgeous flag pins that stand up to both quality and etiquette demands.
Designing Lapel Pins
Lapel pins are small yet powerful recognition pieces. They can also be used as corporate gifts for donors, vendors, and more. Regardless of their recipient, lapel pins need a strategic and creative design. You have multiple options to start your designing process.
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Wear Lapel Pins With Pride
Whether you’re sporting a lapel pin for your country or for your company, it’s important to follow proper etiquette. This way, you and your team can look cohesive and united behind one cause. One small piece can make such a large and vital statement when worn well.