How to Make Sure Your Next Deal Toy Meets Your Budget

Lauren Deegan

Deal toys are an important expression of recognition and appreciation, and they do a lot of intangible good for your organization. You love them. Your employees love them. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that you have some magic, unlimited budget to realize your deal toy needs. You might think that you need to pay as much attention to staying within budget as you do to your piece’s physical design. At times, you may even feel that you deserve a deal toy for doing the financial work of finessing your deal-toy budget.

We agree that meeting your budget is essential, but we don’t want spending worries to prevent you from focusing on designing the right toy for your needs. In that spirit, keep these five pointers in mind. Of course, we also encourage you to speak with us about how we can help you meet your budget. Many of our clients are surprised by our uncanny ability to offer competitive pricing and quality side by side.

Cortera and Moodys crystal and 3D Print hammer Deal Toy by Cristaux

What influences the price of a deal toy

Pricing a financial tombstone or deal toy may seem complicated. Consider how the following factors may impact your recognition vision and budget.


The material you choose has a huge impact on the overall cost of your deal toy.

Lucite and acrylic have traditionally been used for deal toys because they’re versatile materials that meet strict budgets. We recommend them for many pieces, but there are situations where alternatives such as glass, crystal, metal, stone and wood make sense too. It’s also possible to use a combination of materials to meet budget goals.

Crystal Gold Aluminum Base Colorfilled Financial Dealtoy


Different shapes can mean different prices.

Deal toys come in every shape you can imagine from exact product replicas to simple silhouettes. It’s always cool to make a precise rendering of a real-world object, but you’ll have to decide if the expense of a highly detailed piece meets your budget parameters. Simple shapes and silhouettes tend to be less expensive and can still be customized with text, color, logos and branded imaging.


Not all customization is created equal.

The above being said, be aware that different types of customization also come at different costs. In general, the more hands-on work that must be done to complete customization, the greater the cost. Bear in mind that a large part of what makes customization work is strong and creative design. Taking the time to get the design right matters much more to the end result than just the customization technique chosen.

We’ve mastered many different customization techniques ranging from etching to digital printing to object embedment to 3D lasering. This way, we can offer personalization options that meet both aesthetic and budgetary demands.

Marble And Clear Crystal Deal Toy


Whatever you’ve heard, size does matter.

Deal toys tend to be relatively small in scale. Going larger can have a significant impact on the overall cost of a piece. If you’re dreaming of a big piece but aren’t sure about the cost, look to your material choice again. Picking a different material could help you fit a larger piece into your budget.

Of course, our belief that size matters counts for price, not design quality. No matter the size of your deal toy, quality design and production are always central.

Number of Units

It’s worth weighing the cost of a larger production run.

In business, going for more sometimes means paying less. Making a one-of-a-kind deal toy might be appropriate in some situations, but you may also be able to save on the overall cost of your project by ordering more units. Consider if a lower cost per unit on a deal toy project now could be used to make room in your recognition budget for the future.

Square Crystal Deal Toy With Embedded Image Of Corrugated Box

Any Vision, Any Budget

At Cristaux, we love doing the impossible. For us, that includes making beautiful deal toys for our clients that fit their unique financial needs. We know that your organization can handle the most significant of monetary transactions. We don’t think the process of designing a deal toy should entail that level of financial stress.